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Word Mapping Matters!

"When the code is made visible, more children engage as it 'just makes sense' to them—even if they can't hear those sounds in words at first."

Miss Emma
Neurodivergent Reading Whisperer®

Word mapping matters because it is the cornerstone of orthographic mapping—the process of connecting the sounds (phonemes) of language with the letters or letter combinations (graphemes) that represent them. This connection is critical for several reasons:

  • Automatic Word Recognition: When learners master these mappings, they begin to recognise words instantly rather than having to sound them out letter by letter. This automaticity is key to fluent reading.

  • Improved Spelling: Strong phoneme–grapheme mapping enables accurate spelling. As students learn to associate specific sounds with their corresponding letters, they build a more reliable mental store of word forms.

  • Enhanced Comprehension: With decoding becoming nearly automatic, cognitive resources can be redirected from struggling with individual words to understanding and interpreting the overall meaning of the text.

  • Long-Term Memory Storage: Effective orthographic mapping helps transfer words into long-term memory, making them more readily available for both reading and writing.

All Aboard: In short, word mapping isn’t just about recognising a word—it’s about building a robust foundation that supports all aspects of reading and writing. ALL children need to be able to map words. 

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When You Have 25+ Children – You Need a Plan 

Because Reception children learn the 100 GPCs (tested in the PSC)—covered in four code levels—using the tech at their own pace, along with the 400+ high-frequency words (orthographically mapped), and demonstrate mastery at every stage using the coding poster (while the teacher observes rather than teaches phonics), they confidently read code-level readers with those correspondences, as well as orthographically mapped Village with Three Corners books, with pleasure as the focus. They begin these books at a very specific stage of their journey—when they have phonemic awareness and a solid understanding of how letters and sounds connect.

Over 85% will pass the PSC at the end of Prep/Reception, and over 90% will be in the self-teaching phase and reading chapter books by the middle of Year 1.

Teachers cannot achieve this if delivering phonics instruction to the whole class from the front, no matter how skilled they are. Why not? Most are tasked with managing a neurodiverse class where children start with varying levels of phonemic awareness—some speaking very little English, some not speaking at all, some with different accents, and many who are neurodivergent. It is not possible with 25 children. It is unfair to blame teachers (or children) when only 80% pass the PSC at the end of Year 1, around 75% are still reading decodable texts, and at least half of the class do not choose to read unless directed to do so. This is the result of trying to teach all children in the same way and at the same time.

Speech Sound Pics (SSP) Approach teachers cover the content mandated within DfE-validated synthetic phonics programmes and the new guidelines for Australian teachers. How they do this is different—the teacher isn't delivering the instruction; the tech does that. All it takes is 30 minutes per day, for however long each child needs to work through it.

Phase 1 (First Three Weeks of Reception)

The focus is on phonemic awareness and phonological working memory. Children engage in all the activities they will later do with graphemes but start with Phonemies—without restrictions on words. They learn Duck Hands, Lines and Numbers. All skills achieved within the first three weeks are demonstrated in the SSP chapter.

They also learn:

  • Speedy Solo, Paired, and Group Code Mapping

  • How to use the Monster Spelling Piano app, ICRWY Lessons app, and MyWordz tech

  • The Monster Spelling Routine—initially with Speech Sound Monsters only

Sound Pics are introduced at the end of Week 1, and children transition to Phase 2 by Weeks 3–5.

Phase 2 (Starting Around Week 5)

The 30-Minute Phonics Routine begins:

  1. 5 minutes – Solo or Paired Decoding

  2. 5–8 minutes – Coding Poster Lesson (ICRWY Lessons app)

  3. 10–15 minutes – Coding Poster (using an A3 coding poster to include the HFW section):

    • 60–90 secs – Phonemic awareness activity

    • 60–90 secs – Sound Pic (grapheme) formation and recognition

    • 90 secs – Blending of Code Level Sound Pics

    • 90 secs – Chants

    • 120 secs – High-frequency words

    • 120 secs – Code Level Sentences (Sound Pics with HFWs)

Additional activities are gradually introduced, including:

  • Snap and Crack (comprehension)

  • Speedy Six Spelling

  • Rapid Writing

Home Schooling and Tutoring

Home-schooling parents can follow the same format, as can those tutoring older children. The priority for self-teaching is completing the 30-Minute Routine as soon as possible. Some children only need a few weeks once they get into the swing of it.

This is all explained in the Book Chapters. You can see clips of children doing the activities under 'Training'

Children under 5 don’t need a plan! Keep an eye on Little Mappers—we’ll show you how to get children excited about word mapping without following a plan. It’s so much fun!

Follow us on FB /SpeechSoundPics

Unlocking Phonics for NeuroReadies: How PhonemieMake the Code Visible

Code Mapping® makes the written code visible, showing the Sound Pics® (graphemes), while Monster Mapping® reveals the speech sounds (phonemes) with Phonemies—the Speech Sound Monsters®.

We are SEN experts and specialists in linguistic and neurodiversity—advocating for personalised learning and celebrating the diversity of language and minds. 1 in 4 children won’t master phonics without Phonemies—Visible Phonics from The Reading Hut®

Speech Sound Mapping works better for all

The foundation of learning to read and spell is understanding how phonemes (speech sounds) are represented in print with letters (graphemes). Some children have such strong phonemic awareness—the ability to hear the smallest sound units, recognise their order, blend, and manipulate them—that they don’t need any phonics instruction. Their pattern-seeking brains figure it out naturally. Some children need just a little instruction, while others struggle because they can’t hear those sounds (i.e., they have poor phonemic awareness). Even if they have good memories and can recall a sound when they see a letter, they can’t progress much further. Alfie and Luca are examples of what happens when children enter a system not designed for autistic, ADHD or dyslexic minds, if they have poor phonemic awareness. Many within the system believe that synthetic phonics programmes address this, but this is unfortunately not the case - even though we want children to connect phonemes with graphemes (the goal of phonics instruction)  

There is little point in saying "sssss" when you see the letter /s/ (es), "ah" when you see the letter /a/, or "puh" when you see the letter /p/ if you can’t blend those sounds together to form the word 'sap' - even if you know the word. And if you can’t hear the sounds, spelling becomes almost impossible—unless you memorise words by remembering the sequence of letter names and their order on the page. But that means you only know how to spell that specific word, which isn’t how our brains are designed to read. Specific work is needed. You may also get the order mixed up. Our brains use sound-to-letter correspondences to build an awareness of how these patterns work, in order to read with fluency and comprehension. If the word mapping part isn't easy, there is too much working memory being used to be able to think about WHAT you are decoding - and very quickly you have lost track. Children can painstakingly decode words through a sentence and then have no recollection of the words, enough to repet the sentence.
And a skilled reader and speller does this with 350+ correspondences! Even when an entire synthetic phonics programme is taught—such as the old DfE Letters and Sounds programme—and the GPCs are tested in the Phonics Screening Check (PSC), students only learn around 100 correspondences. That’s not enough to become a skilled reader. The purpose is to kick-start the process so that children can begin to self-teach, spotting patterns and discovering more correspondences by using cues.

For example, if a child sees a picture of an orange alongside the written word orange, they will likely recognise the /o/, /r/, /n/, and possibly the /ge/. By decoding the word, they realise they have just self-taught another phoneme that the grapheme /a/ can map to! The letter a actually maps to nine different sounds, but only two or three are taught in synthetic phonics. To become proficient readers and spellers, children must engage in this discovery process to understand the correspondences not covered in synthetic phonics instruction. Using visual and contextual cues while being exposed to a wide variety of text, in a scaffolded way, enables this learning to take place.

This is why children start the 36 pre-readers after completing the Purple Code Level. These books introduce high-frequency words in a repetitive and predictable way (e.g., the, is, on, a, to, was), even if they contain correspondences not taught in the phonics sequence. However, we reduce the need for deduction by explicitly showing the graphemes and their sound values. This builds confidence and reduces mapping errors.

By the end of the 52 Monster Mapped books (36 pre-readers and 16 introduction books), children no longer need words to be Monster Mapped because they have internalised enough high-frequency GPCs and words to self-teach. However, we continue to scaffold their learning! Activities like Speedy Paired Code Mapping ensure that children understand word mapping.

The GPCs and high-frequency words are further reinforced through The Monster Spelling Piano app, allowing children to practise independently.

We are ensuring that children develop such strong phonemic awareness that they can do what naturally skilled readers have always done—learn to read and spell with little to no instruction, regardless of what is being used in schools at the time. This is often overlooked: some children, due to their innate skills, will never struggle, no matter what reading method is in place or what research suggests. The key is understanding why and ensuring that all children receive the same advantages.

This is especially important for children with poor phonemic awareness at school entry (hence our focus on phonemic awareness screening and Phase 1!), as well as non-speaking children, those with different accents, or those who speak very little English. Phase 1 provides the foundation all children need to be able to start self-teaching—regardless of how phonics is taught (or whether it is taught at all).
All they need is:

  • Strong phonemic awareness (using Duck Hands, Lines and Numbers, and the ability to explain Monster choices).

  • Knowledge of the GPCs within the four Code Levels (using chant videos if time is limited).

  • The ability to map as many high-frequency words as possible!

  • Vocabulary knowledge of the words being explored

These high-frequency words make up the majority of the words children need to read and write—not just words that are decodable using the GPCs from the four Code Levels. If you want to see amazing writing outcomes, children must be using far more than the correspondences taught in synthetic phonics. The DfE is wrong to ask teachers to limit exposure to high-frequency words (often called ‘exception words’). Children need to explore more of them, at a faster pace, earlier.

It’s only when educators spend all day teaching Reception-aged children that they realise this. Many policymakers and decision-makers never experience this first-hand, nor do they visit classrooms where teachers are doing an outstanding job. But to make this happen, teachers need technology. They cannot manually ensure that children recognise and blend 100+ GPCs within six months and learn to read and spell 400+ high-frequency words before the end of Reception. It’s simply not possible for a human to manage this alone. Why are they still expected to—especially in this day and age?

So join our community of word mappers and explore speech sounds and their sound pics for all words using the Code Mapping Tool (for grapheme segmentation) and Phonemies (to show expected sound values). Through this discovery process, we support learners as long as necessary—but no longer than needed. We want them to continue as pattern seekers, whether reading Dr Seuss or Shakespeare.

Word Mapping Mastery matters because it glues together speech sounds, spelling, and meaning—the three key elements known to facilitate orthographic mapping, the most current theory of how children learn to read. (Kilpatrick,2015; Torgesen, 2004b, p.36)

What’s BRILLIANT for parents of children who haven’t yet started school is that they don’t need to follow the GPC learning sequence! We introduce the Green Code Level after Phase 1 activities in the satpin handbook, but the main focus is on mapping words that are relevant and interesting to the children. They will naturally bring it all together!

This may surprise people—and it challenges existing theories of instruction. However, what we know about how children learn to read, as outlined in the body of research known as the Science of Reading, is reinforced through this approach.

The primary focus is actually on phonemic awareness, phonological working memory (they will follow the monster sounds to say the word for really long words—and even spell long words using monster sounds!), and vocabulary development. Parents can read books to their children and pause to explore random words that matter—without any need to follow a GPC learning sequence. Children stay engaged because everything is meaningful to them. They can also start the 36 pre-readers much earlier!

Most will become skilled readers before starting school—not because that was the aim, but as a fantastic by-product of this rich exposure to letters and sounds using the whole code, rather than just a small section of it. With no restrictions, we can also explore etymology and morphology, further deepening their understanding of language. It is liberating! Parents learn WITH their child - often having no conscious knowledge of the structure of the words they read without conscious effort daily! We are embracing an 'upstream mindset'! 


  • David A. Kilpatrick (2015). Essentials of Assessing, Preventing, and Overcoming Reading Difficulties. John Wiley & Sons.

  • Joseph K. Torgesen (2004b). Preventing Early Reading Failure and Its Devastating Downward Spiral. American Educator, 28(3), p.36

Prevention is so much less costly than intervention!
We have an Upstream Mindset!
Word Mapping Mastery with the Code Mapping Tool


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Company Number: 12895723 | Registered Address: 21 Gold Drive, St Leonards, BH24 2FH England 

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