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Neuro-Inclusive Word Mapping Mastery
Training for Grownups!  

Word Mapping Mastery Training
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All grownups welcome, no teaching qualification or experience of teaching reading and spelling required!

Show the Code with Phonemies! The Universal Spelling Code Made Visible for All: MyWordz App download
Web Version

Ready-When-You-Are Training Sessions

New Topics!

  • MySpeekie as a One-Screen AAC: Supporting non-speaking children—allowing them to form words and sentences that appear and are voiced, even if they cannot read or spell.

  • MySpeekie for Neuro-Inclusive Spelling: Helping every child become a great speller.

  • Independent Word Mapping with MySpeekie: Enabling children to check the mapping of unfamiliar words and store them in their orthographic lexicon for instant recognition while reading.

  • Using the Monster Spelling Piano App: Learning all GPCs tested in the PSC and 100 high-frequency words.

  • Daily 30-Minute Phonics Routine: Implementing it in a Reception classroom or at home to pass the PSC in six months.

  • Tech for Neurodiverse Classrooms: Ensuring Reception children learn 400+ sight words in as little as six months.

  • Teaching Autistic Children to Read: Supporting early years learners (ages 3–7).

  • Helping Dyslexic Children Learn to Read: When synthetic phonics hasn’t worked.

  • Supporting Autodidacts: Enabling self-teaching of reading and spelling.

  • Using Duck Hands® from birth to wire brains for early reading and spelling

...and more!

Subscribe to the newsletter for release dates.

Wooden Picket Fence

Speech Sound Mapping: Discovery Learning in Mind

When you show the code, you don't need to 'explicitly teach' the concepts—the 'Code Mapping®' (black/grey to indicate the Sound Pics®/graphemes) plus the Phonemies to show the sound value just make sense to children's brains.

Word Mapping Mastery!

Neuro-Inclusive Training you won't get anywhere else!

Popular Training for Schools and Organisations


Letters and Sounds Phase 1 : Phonemic Awareness Mastery

Phonemic Awareness Mastery: A structured one-week programme that ensures children:

  • Can isolate, blend, and manipulate sounds before phonics begins.

  • Develop strong listening skills to reduce future reading difficulties.

  • Are ready to make connections between speech sounds and written words.

Speech Sound Mapping Therapy for the Toddler Room

  • Developing Language Processing Skills: Using Speech Sound Puppets and Phonemies to nurture essential language processing skills, laying the groundwork for brains to find learning to read easier!.

  • Supporting Communication: Introducing MySpeekie® as a powerful communication tool for pre-verbal or non-speaking children, enabling personalised and meaningful interactions.

NeuroReadies - Teaching Autistic Children to Read

  • Dual Route Approach: Combining explicit phonics instruction through the Speech Sound Pics (SSP) Approach with whole word-to-part word mapping to cater to diverse learning needs and strengths.

  • Supporting Communication: Introducing MySpeekie® as a powerful communication tool for pre-verbal or non-speaking children, fostering personalised, meaningful interactions and unlocking their potential for learning and connection.

Exploring Linguistic Diversity and the Teaching of Phonics

Exploring Linguistic Diversity and the Teaching of Phonics

  • Addressing Linguistic Variation: Teachers play a critical role in helping children navigate variations in pronunciation and spelling, particularly in opaque orthographies like English, where accents and exceptions present unique challenges.

  • Supporting Communication: Introducing MySpeekie® as a powerful communication tool for non-speaking children, fostering personalised and meaningful interactions to unlock their potential for learning and connection.

Those who train with us join a community of parents, teachers, and related professionals dedicated to personalised learning, all united by an unwavering goal: ensuring every child not only learns to read but discovers the joy of reading for pleasure. It’s just a matter of helping them find the right books!

This is a happy Word Mapper!  Word Mapping Mastery for All
The world belong to those who read! Word Mappers!

Word Mapping with Miss Emma
"Every child needs to learn it, so we might as well make it fun!"

Emma Hartnell-Baker holds a Masters Degree in Special Educational Needs and is a Doctoral Researcher at the University of Reading. She trains SENDCos for specialist organisations such as PATOSS with Dr Grace Elliott who offers ADHD and Dyslexia Assessments. 
Miss Emma has been training teachers in Australia for nearly a decade and holds dual nationality. Before moving to Queensland, she was an OFSTED Inspector and managed two 'Outstanding' nurseries. She also holds a BEd Hons with a specialism in the Early Years and is passionate about play-based, personalised learning—for both children and educators!
Those who train with 'Miss Emma' often leave sessions with a renewed excitement for effectively balancing systematic phonics instruction with discovery-based word mapping. Word Mapping revolves around connecting speech sounds, spelling and meaning. The Word Mapping Book will continue to evolve after its release, addressing every possible question a parent or teaching professional might have about the individual children under their guidance. Look out for linked clips that demonstrate chapter content and showcase Miss Emma as she identifies and overcomes learning barriers when working with children new to mapping 'Sound Pics' to 'Phonemies'!
As Miss Emma says, "There's so much more to Word Mapping than 'learning phonics'. Word Mapping from birth changes lives."

Why We Map Words With and For Children

Phonemies show the SOUND value. Idea for words with GPCs they don't yet know! 
They can  'follow the monster sounds to say the word' and THEN check the Sound Pics. 

Speaking in Speech Sounds with an Autistic Learner

The Spelling Routine with a Dyslexic Student

MyWordz! Children become readers when they are interested in the words they are exploring

For the first time, the correspondences between speech sounds (phonology) and graphemes (orthography) are made VISIBLE—for ALL words in English.


We teach parents and teachers how to articulate the 'Monster Sounds' and blend them into words. The speech sounds they use may differ from the phonemes expected when mapping words, and we need to discuss this! Accents have a significant impact on word mapping.

Duck Hands - segmenting words into the smallest sound units

Start using Duck Hands and mapping
words visually and linguistically from
birth. We are growing readers!

Word Mapping Mastery with the Code Mapping Tool


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© 2024 Word Mapping Mastery® including Mapped Words® with Phonemies from The Reading Hut Ltd
Company Number: 12895723 | Registered Address: 21 Gold Drive, St Leonards, BH24 2FH England 

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